Archive for August, 2007

Don’t see the big picture
August 26, 2007

Seems like software has so many glitches.  Computers have always been very time consuming.  I tried the tutorials mentioned on RSS feeds, but only the non-video one worked for me.  I’ll try to set up some feeds.  Don’t see a need for Flickr, as I can Email pictures.  It sounds like a picture  or video can be included in a blog, but I don’t think I will try.  I search for info, not pictures.  I will post most of my blogs in the Categories of “Libraries”.  Had a memo cross the desk I don’t have saying reporter questions can be referred to another department.  What I should be getting from that department is a memo about what not to say in blogs.   

Hello world!
August 15, 2007

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!