Don’t see the big picture

Seems like software has so many glitches.  Computers have always been very time consuming.  I tried the tutorials mentioned on RSS feeds, but only the non-video one worked for me.  I’ll try to set up some feeds.  Don’t see a need for Flickr, as I can Email pictures.  It sounds like a picture  or video can be included in a blog, but I don’t think I will try.  I search for info, not pictures.  I will post most of my blogs in the Categories of “Libraries”.  Had a memo cross the desk I don’t have saying reporter questions can be referred to another department.  What I should be getting from that department is a memo about what not to say in blogs.   

One Response

  1. Naturally, enough exploration will reveal that not everything in the Web 2.0 world fits every person’s needs/interests. The trick (and the point of this program) is to look at a variety of things so you can find out what works for you. It sounds like photo sharing is not for you, although I’d argue that e-mailing pictures has its flaws as well. Sometimes when the sender and recipient are using different e-mail providers, photos don’t display as expected. Therefore some people use attachments, but those sometimes have problems especially if the file sizes are large and then the e-mails can get caught by a spam filter. On a photo sharing site, since each photo or album can have its own page, it might be just as easy to include a link to the appropriate page in the e-mail. Flickr actually has a link at the bottom of every photo page called “Send to a Friend” that lets you enter an e-mail address and a message and Flickr automatically sends the photo and links for you.

    Make sure to blog about your experiences when you try the RSS feeds!

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